Saturday, May 5, 2018

Yesterday I read from Imprimis about "Liberal" compassion, and read a few jokes from the New York City Cab Driver's Joke Book and also commented on Rush Limbaugh's and Sean Hannity's inane and irrelevant commentary.

Sunday, April 8, 2018

Why Don't More Blacks Vote Republican?

Republican pundits make the same stupid mistakes again and again because they think that being conservative is about where on stands on "the issues" instead of where one stands on change.  Because they make this mistake they get "rat-trapped" into rationalizing injustice, inhumanity and incivility.

The stupid question that conservative pundits ask constantly is:  Why don't more blacks register and vote Republican?

Well let's see...

When any police officer is killed police unions make sure that the funeral is attended by fellow officers from around the country. In some cases tens of thousands attend the services.  Any time that police officers are criticized or "attacked" police union representatives are quick to respond and in some cases make threats.

When Michael Brown was killed how many police officers attended the services? How many police union representatives expressed condolences?  How many talk show hosts?

When Philando Castile was gunned down under color of authority by a Minnesota police officer did Rush Limbaugh attend the funeral?  Sean Hannity? Justice Thomas?  Walter Williams?  Larry Elder? Did they give him the respect due him as a citizen?  As a human being?  No.  They implied that Mr. Castile was at fault and deserved to be shot. 

When Walter Scott was murdered by a police officer in South Carolina how many police unions expressed doubts about the shooting?  Demanded the dismissal and prosecution of the murderer? How many expressed condolences? Attended the funeral?

When a police officer is killed he or she is lionized.  The airwaves are filled with glowing descriptions of the officer's service, family life and even hobbies.  When Michael Brown was shot down he was demonized and dismissed as merely a willful thug who disobeyed police orders. Apparently Mr. Brown had no family or hobbies and deserved the "death penalty" for having the temerity to defy a policeman.

Because conservatives foolishly allow themselves to be brainwashed into playing the issues game law enforcement has become the enemy of justice (and common sense).  This is stupid and wrong.

So...why don't more Blacks become Republicans?  Go figure!

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Police Officers Lie?

A few years ago I was a temporary employee at a police department in the San Gabriel valley.

One of my duties was to file reports.
While I was doing so I came across a file that contained a line-up-card. Line-up-cards display multiple head-shots and are used to make identification of suspects. On the card one of the mug-shots was circled and written next to it were the words: "she's the one". From the appearance of the line-up-card one would assume that a suspect had been identified by the victim or a witness. Not so. In the report the reporting officer explained that he had marked the card and used it to psychologically confront and pressure the suspect in question.

I wonder how many people have made false confessions because of tactics like this.

Sunday, February 11, 2018


I read yesterday chapter 17 of Ayn Rand's non-fiction work titled The Virtue of Selfishness about racism. 

I thought that it would be interesting to compare what Ayn Rand experienced in 1960s America with what is going on today.  It seems that very little has changed.

I like the fact that Ayn Rand is very thorough.  She shows how she reaches her conclusions and defines her terms.  Pundits and writers today fail to define their terms making debate and reasoned discourse all but impossible.

I do take issue with the title of the book.  The Virtue of Minding Your Own Business would have been better.

Sunday, February 4, 2018

Ticket Snipers

While I was out delivering food I received a traffic ticket (moving violation) from a Pasadena PD officer. 

I decided to fight the ticket and use a company that I had seen advertised on billboard signs called Ticket Snipers. I went online and had my case evaluated.  I was told that Ticket Snipers could help and informed that such help would cost $138.00.  I paid the fee and then filled out information on the web site and spoke to a representative on the phone. 

A few days later I received, in the mail, my defense package.  A form to request trial by "paperwork" and my statement.  I signed the forms and wrote a check for $238.00 (my bail) to L.A. County.  I then waited for the result (it was then late October).

At the end of January 2018 I received the result in the mail from the court.  The judge found me guilty.  A note written by the judge stated that he had "disregarded inadmissible evidence".  I was provided with the verdict a form to request a "trial de novo" (a new trial) that must be submitted by February 15th.

I am now deciding whether to request the new trial.

Over all I am satisfied because I learned things that will last me for the rest of my life such as the ability to go to trial via the mail. 

Wednesday, January 31, 2018

American Culture vs. American Counter Culture

The fundamental struggle in this country is between culture and counter culture. The cultural expression of socialism is idealism which is psychologistic, emotional and concerned with power. Culture is realistic, intellectual, and concerned with ethics.

I experience counter cultural attitudes on a regular basis. At restaurants, at hotels, I am confronted by people who treat all relationships as power struggles. Who seek to dominate. The temptation is to engage these individuals on their terms rather than doing what is right.

Thursday, January 25, 2018

How Intelligence Works (when it does)

I've learned that intelligence gathering is more than just gathering data. One needs to know what kind of information one is looking for.

I've also learned that analysis requires people that are thoroughly knowledgeable about their area of expertise so that conclusions reached will be timely and accurate.

Also, breakdowns in the accuracy of intelligence information can be attributed to poor leadership. Hiring people who are better administrators than intelligence analysts.

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Co2 a Green House Gas?

The theory of global warming is based on a theory called "the greenhouse effect". The "greenhouse" theory says that certain gases get trapped in the troposphere eight to eleven miles high. Further the theory says that these gases help to prevent the escape of heat from the planet.

Now, carbon dioxide is, as a matter of fact, one and a half times heavier than oxygen and travels along the ground. It therefore cannot be found in the troposphere and is therefore not a greenhouse gas.

Monday, January 22, 2018

Sue The Bastards

"Sue the Bastards" is a book that I relied on as a reference and guide through the legal system as I prosecuted five causes of action against Southern California Edison in superior court.

Although I ultimately lost I found the information contained in the book crucial: the use of practice guides, procedure and what to expect generally were very useful.

One thing that I would change if I could would be making sure that I understood what constituted evidence in my case.

One thing that I learned that wasn't covered in the book was how to depose people on the cheap. Most lawyers use a stenographer that costs $500 per hour. Instead I could use a notary public that costs only $20.00 per day.

Sunday, January 21, 2018

How and why to Reform the Filibuster

I read an article from the January 2017 issue of Imprimis (a publication of Hillsdale College). The article wad adapted from a speech given by Tom McClintock.

In this article Congressman McClintock makes the case that the Filibuster needs to be reformed. He argues that the changes made to the Filibuster rule in 1970 have hampered the Senate's ability to vote on bills in a timely manner.

His recommended reforms include doing away with the two-track system that was implemented in 1970 and requiring senators to be limited to two two-hour speeches per bill.