Republican pundits make the same stupid mistakes again and again because they think that being conservative is about where on stands on "the issues" instead of where one stands on change. Because they make this mistake they get "rat-trapped" into rationalizing injustice, inhumanity and incivility.
The stupid question that conservative pundits ask constantly is: Why don't more blacks register and vote Republican?
Well let's see...
When any police officer is killed police unions make sure that the funeral is attended by fellow officers from around the country. In some cases tens of thousands attend the services. Any time that police officers are criticized or "attacked" police union representatives are quick to respond and in some cases make threats.
When Michael Brown was killed how many police officers attended the services? How many police union representatives expressed condolences? How many talk show hosts?
When Philando Castile was gunned down under color of authority by a Minnesota police officer did Rush Limbaugh attend the funeral? Sean Hannity? Justice Thomas? Walter Williams? Larry Elder? Did they give him the respect due him as a citizen? As a human being? No. They implied that Mr. Castile was at fault and deserved to be shot.
When Walter Scott was murdered by a police officer in South Carolina how many police unions expressed doubts about the shooting? Demanded the dismissal and prosecution of the murderer? How many expressed condolences? Attended the funeral?
When a police officer is killed he or she is lionized. The airwaves are filled with glowing descriptions of the officer's service, family life and even hobbies. When Michael Brown was shot down he was demonized and dismissed as merely a willful thug who disobeyed police orders. Apparently Mr. Brown had no family or hobbies and deserved the "death penalty" for having the temerity to defy a policeman.
Because conservatives foolishly allow themselves to be brainwashed into playing the issues game law enforcement has become the enemy of justice (and common sense). This is stupid and wrong.
Because conservatives foolishly allow themselves to be brainwashed into playing the issues game law enforcement has become the enemy of justice (and common sense). This is stupid and wrong.
So...why don't more Blacks become Republicans? Go figure!