Sunday, December 31, 2017

December 31, 2017

Today I will be reading the second installment of the Imprimis article titled "The Problem of Identity Politics and its Solution". 

Yesterday I read the first part of the article which covered the history of identity politics from 1973 to the present.

Matthew Continetti is the author/speechmaker that created the content for this article.  Mr. Continetti errs when he claims that the origin of identity politics is the novel called "The Gulag Archipelago".  Philosophy and more specifically metaphysics is the correct origin of political theory. 

Identity politics has its foundation in Descartes and metaphysical subjectivism:  Metaphysical subjectivism is the theory that reality is what we perceive to be real, and that there is no underlying true reality that exists independently of perception. 

If subjectivism were valid (which it is not) then the individual would have no other frame of reference to the world around him but identity.  Furthermore the individual would be able to be sure of nothing and would have no universal rights or wrongs to guide him/her.  The individual would only be able to act based on those character traits with which  he/she identified.

Even further, change for the subjectivist would be extremely difficult if not impossible.  Any suggestion that the subjectivist should change would be a threat to their identity.

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